Harvard-Brown MINI-SO Tournament Announcement

HUSO is excited to announce that we will be partnering with Brown Science Olympiad this year to run our Division C and Division B Invitational competitions in the Mini-SO format! The Division C competition will take place on Saturday, January 30, 2021 and the Division B competition will take place on Sunday, January 31, 2021. Following the miniSO model, we will be covering the 16 regionals/state level events in a synchronous fashion.

Registration applications will open for all teams on Monday, September 28th and will close Friday, October 9th. More information can be found on our tournaments page.

About us


The Harvard Undergraduate Science Olympiad (HUSO) is an undergraduate student organization at Harvard University dedicated to providing accessible S.T.E.M. education to K-12 students. To support our mission, we organize annual Science Olympiad Invitational Tournaments with a specific focus on serving those in the New England area. We also focus on service initiatives, such as HUSO Online and mentorship programs at local middle schools, in order to foster intellectual, pedagogical, and creative growth within the science community and beyond.


schools across the US


high school students


middle school students

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Your generosity makes our invitational run!  Contact us here with any sponsorship inquiries or make donations below - we appreciate the support!

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Check Out Our New Service Initiatives

Amidst the current pandemic, we are developing new virtual opportunities for students of all backgrounds to explore STEM in a welcoming and engaging way!